Pulling John
'Pulling John' is the universal story of a champion, who after 25 years of success is now burdened with the inevitable transformation of aging. John Brzenk, the legendary armwrestler, who works as an airline mechanic by day must decide whether to leave the sport he was raised on or wait to be defeated by 2 up and coming titans. Voevoda from Russia, Bagent from West Virginia and Yoshi from Tokyo are the colorful characters who have been raised on the legend of John Brzenk. These men define themselves by not becoming champions but by defeating the legend that is known as Brzenk. In a philosophical and thrilling ride, 'Pulling John' culminates at the Zloty Tur Championship in Warsaw, where Bagent and Voevoda have the chance of their life, to dethrone the conflicted Brzenk.