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Don't let skin cancer have the upper hand
Australia’s armwrestling champions partner with national skin cancer centres in the fight against skin cancer Read morePosted in: Australian / Local
Queensland Titles Results
If you were even in doubt that armwrestling in Australia is going from strength to strength then you clearly weren't at the 2013 Queensland Armwrestling Titles last weekend. Read morePosted in: Australian / Local
Melbourne Armwrestling Cup
The night of the Melbourne Armwrestling Cup (held at the Imperial Hotel, Melbourne) saw arm wrestling elevated to nothing short of high art (in terms of sports). It could well have changed the long held conception of this sport in the bleary, alcohol hazed eyes of those who stumbled upon the action upstairs. Read morePosted in: Australian / Local
Tassie Armwrestling Results
The AAF Tasmanian State Armwrestling Championships were held in conjunction with the CAPO 2013 Powerlifting titles at the Tasmanian Health & Fitness expo. Read morePosted in: Australian / Local