Australian / Local

December 13, 201113 years ago

Sydney Armwrestling Competition Results

27 competitors registered and approximately 100 spectators filling the balcony at The Three Swallows Hotel Bankstown, all that was left to do was to get the action started.

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Posted in: Australian / Local
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November 8, 201113 years ago

New Champions Crowned!

It was a day where a Race is said to have stopped the nation, but for several hours of combat sport not a mention of a horse, a hoof or a bad tip was spoken. This was how the scene was set for the inaugural Australian Arm Wrestling Championships, held at Definition Gym, Doncaster, Melbourne.

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October 13, 201113 years ago

Australian Armwrestling Championships!

The Australian Armwrestling Championships for 2011 will be held at 352 Blackburn Rd Doncaster, Melbourne on the 1st November (Melbourne Cup Day). Multiple weight classes, awards and trophies for all place getters.

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Posted in: Australian / Local
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January 16, 201114 years ago

Spartan Sydney

It was 33 degrees, and sticky, not the best weather for an Arm Wrestling get together, but such is life and the show must go on. Neil Bell picked me up from the airport and we set off for Surry Hills, the Sydney suburb where we were all meeting up. Read more