Australian / Local

November 12, 20168 years ago

Aussie Armwrestling Champs to be broadcast LIVE

The Australian Armwrestling Federation (AAF), together with My Sport Live (MSL), is proud to announce that the 2016 Australian Armwrestling Championships will be broadcast live. Read more
March 12, 20168 years ago

Canadian badass Matt Mask is heading down under

The Arnold Classic is one of the most explosive events of the year, and even more so this year with Canadian badass Matt Mask making a special guest appearance. Read more
October 18, 20159 years ago

'We Belong' - World Championships in Malaysia

"Aussie ! Aussie ! Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi!" could be heard as far as the main foyer of reception, some 14 floors below the competition arena at the Berjaya Times Square Hotel in KL, Malaysia!! Australia's attendance at the 37th world armwrestling championships certainly did not go unnoticed! Read more
September 1, 20159 years ago

Countdown to the World Armwrestling Championships

2015 has already been a busy year for the AAF. With the success of the Arnold Classic in Melbourne, a visit from the one and only Devon Larratt, and finally the development of the world's first official Armwrestling magazine 'PULL' by talented members, the AAF has worked extremely hard to plant its foot firmly in the door of world recognition. Read more
June 13, 20159 years ago

Arm break on the NRL Footy Show

As with any physical sport there is always the risk of injury, and as everyone saw last night on the NRL Footy Show armwrestling is no exception and injuries can and do happen occasionally. Unfortunately when you have 2 very strong athletes placing opposing pressures on each others arms there is a chance that something will give. Read more