Australian / Local

April 10, 20159 years ago

Devon ‘No Limits’ Larratt – A Debrief

It’s been three weeks since arm wrestling icon Devon Larratt graced our shores with his presence. It was his second trip to Australia and he covered a lot of ground in this short visit. Read more
March 2, 20159 years ago

Armwrestlers Food: Protein Vanilla Oatmeal

With the Arnold Classic just 2 weeks away, it’s time to start cramming as much nutrient packed goodness into those joints as possible! Preparation is an important component of this sport, and once again Bulk Nutrients comes to the rescue with a third delicious protein packed recipe. Read more
February 10, 201510 years ago

Armwrestlers Food: Protein Power Smoothie

Smoothies are a great way to get multiple vitamins and minerals all in one easy hit. Just chuck all ingredients in a blender and then drink with mouth. That’s all there is to it. Read more
December 16, 201410 years ago

2015 Australian Team Announcement

The AAF is proud to announce not only the 2015 Australian Armwrestling Team, but the largest Australian team ever sent to the World Championships in the history of the sport! Read more
December 10, 201410 years ago

Nationals 2014 - The Aftermath

The Australian Armwrestling Federation held its third annual national armwrestling competition over the weekend, and it was the biggest baddest thing that has ever happened in Australian sport history. Read more