Australian / Local

November 6, 201410 years ago

Brett and Guntars make a bang in Vilnius

The Australian Armwrestling Federation crossed another milestone this year by sending two of its finest over to Vilnius, Lithuania, to compete in the 2014 World Armwrestling Championship. Read more
November 3, 201410 years ago

Nationals 2014 is almost upon us

What is certain is that on November 15, 2014, the fourth annual Australian National Armwrestling Championship will be held at Conrad Jupiter’s on the Gold Coast, QLD. Read more
October 17, 201410 years ago

Sarah Backman 2015 Australian Tour

Do not be deceived by this 5′ 7” Swedish bombshell. Sarah has been arm wrestling since the age of 14 and holds eight world titles, eight European titles, and 11 Swedish titles. Not only is she a weapon on the table, but her strength in the gym is phenomenal, with lifts that would put many of us to shame. Read more
October 8, 201410 years ago

Australian Team - 37th World Armwrestling Championships 2015

With breaking news of the 37th World Armwrestling Championships to be hosted by Malaysia in 2015, Australia has never been more primed to send a large contingent to the world stage. Read more
August 26, 201410 years ago

Can The AAF Achieve Australian Sports Commission Accreditation?

We at the Australian Armwrestling Federation are pleased to learn of the World Armwrestling Federation (WAF) taking a positive step towards Sport Accord accreditation. Read more