Australian / Local

March 15, 201311 years ago

2013 FitX Armwrestling Cup

Fast becoming one of the most anticipated events in the Australian Armwrestling calender, the 2013 FitX Cup certainly provided all the intensity and excitement expected from our invited competitors, and set the bar ever higher for those wishing to compete and excel amidst fierce rivalry. Read more
February 19, 201311 years ago

AAF welcomes Volvo Skid Steer Loaders

We are proud to introduce our latest minor sponsor, Volvo Skid Steer Loaders. Sponsors help us to grow the sport of armwrestling and we look forward to Volvo Skid Steer Loaders being a part of the wild and exhilarating journey! Read more
February 7, 201312 years ago

Tasmanian Armwrestling Titles

Friday evening the the 8th of Feb saw the very first Tasmanian Armwrestling Titles kick off in Hobart at the Republic Bar with a great turnout from the local talent, and a buzzing atmosphere all night long. Read more
January 20, 201312 years ago

National Championships 2012

On Sunday December 2nd, 2012, the Australian Armwrestling Federation held our second official national championship in Mitcham, Victoria, offering more weight classes than ever before.

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October 28, 201212 years ago

Queensland Championship Results

Last weekend on Saturday 20th of October 2012, the very first Queensland Armwrestling Championships took place in front of a vibrant and packed crowed at the Brisbane Fitness & Health Expo, with Ryan Phillips, Phil Rasmussen, and Jason Deng heading home QLD State Champions.

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