Australian / Local

October 18, 201212 years ago

Bulk Nutrients announced as major sponsor

The Australian Armwrestling Federation is proud to announce that Bulk Nutrients have come on board as our Major Sponsor for a period of 12 months to help take armwrestling to the next level. Read more
July 3, 201212 years ago

West Australian State Champions

The first West Australian State Armwrestling Championships were held at the Italian Club in Perth last Sunday, 24 June. The competition was a huge success and very well organised with a professional feel and great atmosphere. Read more

April 10, 201212 years ago

Bankstown Competition Easter 2012

Good Friday, April 6 2012 and the scene was set for the latest Sydney Armwrestling competition held in conjunction with the biggest one day motor cycle show in Australia at the Bankstown Paceway.

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Posted in: Australian / Local
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February 27, 201212 years ago

FitX Armwrestling Championships

In March 2011, FitX exceeded all expectations becoming the only expo of it's kind, in only 2 days attracting over 10,000 visitors. In 2012 FitX has not only invited the AAF to be present over both days, but to also host a high calibre competition on the main stage!

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Posted in: Australian / Local
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January 27, 201213 years ago

2011 a year in review

The Australian Armwrestling Federation was formed in 1998. The growth of the sport has been small and very slow, taking two steps forward one step back. However, AT LAST,  in 2011 it seems the Sport of Armwrestling has finally taken off!

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