
April 28, 20186 years ago

Historical day for armwrestling at SportAccord Assembly 2018

Congratulations to Assen, Mirceau and the World Armwrestling Federation for their perseverance in championing the sport of Armwrestling and achieving a unanimous vote for full GAISF membership status at the recent SportAccord convention in Bangkok. Read more
Posted in: International
Tags: SportAccord, WAF
April 25, 20159 years ago

SportAccord Convention - Press Release

For the first time in the history of armwrestling WAF was represented, presented and recognized by SportAccord General Assembly in front of the President of International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach, in front of the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, in front of the President of FIFA Sepp Blatter and in front of 109 International Federations. Read more